August Product Update

Blogs | September 3, 2020

As summer comes to a close, our product team here at POTOO HQ are heads down prepping some exciting new reporting features on our Marketplace Analytics Dashboard in preparation for Version 3.0 scheduled to launch this fall.

As eCommerce continues to see unprecedented spikes in most categories, we decided to pull forward some of the features to support our partners during a hectic period in the calendar. See below for highlights from our updated Low Inventory/Stock Alerts and Out of Stock Reports hot off the production room floor!

Low Inventory/Stock Alerts:
The Low Inventory/Stock Alerts allow Dashboard users to automatically track 3P inventory across various digital marketplaces. This feature allows brands to be prepared when items are running low at their resellers to ensure replenishment happens on time for the increase in customer demands. Even if your 1P inventory goes out of stock, we want to enable our brand partners to capture any extra demand by ensuring 3Ps are also in stock if appropriate.

How to Use:
The Low Inventory/Stock Report lists all products in a brand’s inventory which are below a given stock threshold. Users can set an Alert level for products in their catalog and get notified when a product falls below its specified stock level. This tool allows brands to stay on top of their inventory systems and monitors the stock levels on a daily/weekly basis. POTOO also provides daily/monthly email notifications to our brand partners with the updated list of low stock items.

Out of Stock Products Reports:
Working in conjunction with the Low Inventory/Stock Alerts, we have also streamlined Out of Stock Products Reports. Of course, our brand partners never want to run out of any items, but if this happens, this report lists all out of stock items. This tool also enables users to improve efficiency and response times to avoid running out of products in the future.

How to Use:
The Out of Stock Products Report lists all products that have a zero on-hand inventory. It is used to determine which products may need to be purchased on the next fulfillment order. The POTOO Dashboard also enables daily/monthly email notifications on products with zero stock.

If you would like access to any of these tools or dashboards, please reach out!

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